Our second full day in Verbier began with a trip back to the SureFoot guys. My right boot needed some adjustment (and indeed, I made a second trip later that day) but once completed, they were perfect.

As with the day before, the weather was absolutely flawless. Saturday also marked the first day of the full-on winter 2010-2011 season, so the mountain really opened up. The snow was great, the lines were small, and it was so warm that I skied with my jacket unzipped most of the time. Of course, in such bright sun, a bit of “racoonism” was inevitable, as ably demonstrated by Stephanie.
At the end of the day, with Steph worn out, I suggested one last ride up the lift before we called it a day. She suggested that I go instead and ride as aggressively as I wanted to, which I did. Before heading down, however, I took a photo of the view from the peak.
Following a valley run, in which Steph – mostly – took the long winding blues, meeting up with me at the bottom of some more aggressive reds, we watched an old Bond flick, then went to dinner at La Pinte. Apparently under new management this year, we happened across them during their grand opening. We had a cheese fondue with tomatoes over potatoes, followed by a Créme Catalone (sort of a Spanish Créme Brulee), along with a local wine. Again I was surprised by the fair price – just a rappen over 80 Stutz for the two of us. So much for being a rich-folks-only town.
The train home on Sunday was mercifully quick, weighing in at just 3 hours 39 minutes. But I miss it already….