On Saturday the girlfriend and I went to Flumserberg, a more or less local ski resort that’s quite popular with the Zürchers. It’s pretty close – takes about an hour by train, maybe 45 minutes or so by car, traffic dependent. It was about 70% open, and the weather while poor in the morning was gorgeous in the afternoon.
This is a mountain that I know well, as I’ve been there many times. The first time was back in March of 2006, I think, with a few classmates from the HSG. I went snowboarding there with my friend Rana when she came out from the States, and I typically go there at least 3 or 4 times per year.

This time I went with Steph and her family. Well, Denise and Gitte were missing, but we had the addition of Michelle’s boyfriend Anders. Bendt (her dad) is the one taking the above picture. We didn’t ski much together, as Anders and I were more practiced than the rest (though, to be fair, I wasn’t skiing that well, likely due to some poorly-fitting boots that are getting replaced in 4 days), and Michelle hadn’t been on the slopes in quite some time.
The most fun I had, though, was guiding Steph down one of the steeper reds with pretty serious bumps. That’s at about the outside edge of her skiing ability, but with a little guidance, she made it just fine. She gets more practice in Verbier this weekend; by the end of the season, she’ll be doing the black pistes with me. 😉